Free Mobile Home Removal in Texas
How can you get rid of that old mobile home on your property? While demolishing or selling it are two options, those choices can cost more than you may realize.
Banyan Mobile Home Removal offers a third choice that will help you save time and money. Our free mobile home removal services make it easy to turn your unused property into a worthwhile charitable donation.
Mobile Home Removal Made Easy
Options for Mobile Home Removal in Texas
You have three main options for getting rid of an unused mobile home. You can sell, demolish, or donate it. Comparing these options can help you decide which choice is best for your situation.

Selling a Mobile Home
Selling a mobile is more complex than you might realize. You’ll have to target people who are specifically looking for this type of living space. Even after you optimize the listing to attract buyers, your trailer home might sit on the market for weeks or longer.
Demolishing a Mobile Home
Demolition is another common method of mobile home removal. Texas property owners choose this method because it’s fast and efficient.
Unfortunately, it’s also the most costly option. By the time you pay for permits and hire a demolition crew, you’ll spend close to $10,000. Additionally, the demolition process releases hazardous fumes and chemicals into the environment.
Donating a Mobile Home
Mobile home donation in Texas is easy. You can save time and money by arranging for Banyan Mobile Home Removal to pick up your trailer home and reuse it in your local community to help low income families and individuals that are in need of affordable housing.
After the mobile home removal, you can claim the home as a generous tax write-off.
Why Texans Choose Free Mobile Home Removal Services?
Instead of wasting money on mobile home demolition, Texas property owners often prefer the donation process for a variety of reasons. Generally, it’s faster than trying to sell a trailer home on the public market, and it’s cheaper than demolishing the unit. Banyan Mobile Home Removal can remove the trailer home promptly, leaving your property free of obstruction within a couple of weeks.
You’ll also get rid of the liability issues that go along with letting a trailer home deteriorate on your property. It won’t have the time to leak hazardous substances, which might otherwise contaminate the soil or local waterways. You’ll also prevent the risk that someone will injure themselves in or near the trailer home.
Finally, many modern homes qualify for free removal by Banyan Mobile Home Removal. This saves a considerable amount on the upfront removal costs, and you can use the fair market value of the unit as a tax deduction when you donate your mobile home.

Free Mobile Home Removal Services in Texas
If you’re interested in donating your mobile home, it’s time to learn how it works. It’s a straightforward process, and Banyan Mobile Home Removal will guide you through it.

Do You Qualify for Free Mobile Home Removal?
Since every unit won’t qualify for free mobile home removal, Texas property owners should know the basic requirements. Your trailer home must be a 1980 model or newer.
Additionally, it must meet modern building codes to ensure it’s safe for habitation. Banyan Mobile Home Removal will help you determine whether your trailer home qualifies when you schedule a consultation with our team.
Process of Free Mobile Home Removal in Texas
Once you decide to donate your trailer home, we’ll help you get through the process. We’re an accredited 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, so we have the experience and knowledge to process your donation. We’ll assess your home for the fair market price, providing a receipt that you can use to file your tax deduction.
Prior to removal, we ask that you move furnishings and personal items from the mobile home. Relocate vehicles, seasonal equipment, and other items that might be in the way. We’ll disconnect the skirting and utility hook-ups as a part of the removal process.
From there, our licensed and insured removal team will load the trailer home and take it away. The preparation and moving process usually takes one day or less.
Why Choose Banyan Mobile Home Removal for Your Mobile Home Donation?
Our goal is to provide a pathway to homeownership for low-income families. We pair mobile home donations with families in need of affordable housing. A donation made through Banyan Mobile Home Removal benefits you with an easy and cost-effective solution while providing a housing solution to those in need.
We service cities throughout the state of Texas. Additionally, we offer free mobile home removal in California, Florida, Washington, and many other locations.

Get Started: See if Your Texas Mobile Home Qualifies
Do you have a mobile home that you no longer want or use? Getting rid of it might seem like a frustrating experience, but Banyan Mobile Home Removal makes this experience easy. We’ll help you save time and money while using your trailer home to help others.
Find out whether your mobile home qualifies for free removal when you contact us.